About Us

“We strive to provide satisfactory anti-bullying/bullying resources, presentations and education in-person and online from personal experience of our team while relating to everyday life.”

Operation Unfriend Bullying is an un-registered organization based out of the province of Nova Scotia that was founded on October 21, 2011. Since our launch, we have been entirely run by youth volunteers for one reason: we value youth to youth, youth to adult and youth to community education. Our team consists of youth who have various levels of experience around bullying. As Operation Unfriend Bullying, we encourage our visitors and fans to help us unfriend bullying just as we will help any of you.

Brandin Arsenault

Brandin Arsenault

Founding President

Specializes In:

Physical, Emotional, Verbal & Cyber Bullying
Social Media & Internet
Community Organizations & Nonprofits


Oversee Operations
Website Management & Maintenance

Reports To:

Emily McInnis, FP

Emily McInnis

Emily McInnis

Founding President

Specializes In:

Emotional, Verbal & Cyber Bullying + Social Alienation
Social Media & Internet
Public Speaking


Oversee Operations
Booking & Fundraising Management
Sponsorship & Affiliations

Reports To:

Brandin Arsenault, FP

Isabella Cook

Isabella Cook

Social Media Mgr

Specializes In:

Cyber Bullying
Social Media & Internet
Community Organizations & Nonprofits


Oversee Online Operations
Maintain Social Media Sections

Reports To:

Emily McInnis, FP

Morgan MacLellan

Morgan MacLellan

Asst. Social Media Mgr

Specializes In:

Verbal, Emotional, Cyber Bullying
Social Media & Internet
Friendships & Relationships


Assist to Oversee Online Operations
Assist to Maintain Social Media Sections

Reports To:

Isabella Cook, SMM

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